She blogs about psychology, creativity, spirituality and social justice over at Change Therapy and can be reached at moritherapy [at] shaw [dot] ca. If your diagnosis is considered a disability, you are offered some protection under the law (Equality Act 2010). It can feel uncomfortable telling your employer but once they know they must work with you to consider ‘reasonable adjustments’ to help you at work. It also means that are protected against any discrimination because of your disability. So plan a night out with a friend to vent and reduce some of your stress. Order takeout and binge your favorite show to help you relax and unwind.

how the job search can cause depression

Lack of Focus
Sending the same CV and cover letter to different companies is not the most effective strategy. Adapt your CV for every position you apply for, focusing on the particular aspects of the job description. There is no need to include irrelevant experience or education. Do this only if you feel it can be a positive addition to your CV.

???? How To Stop Being Depressed About Job Search

3) The ever-continuing quest for acceptance that is a job search. “The problem is that workers’ occupational health cannot be just a topping, an add-on in a business. It should be core to the business to promote the health of workers.

Across the UK, it is estimated that 4.5% of people have depression. And, being absent from work due to mental health conditions, is the third most frequent reason for an absence. Long term unemployment brings with it a range of stressors, not least financial. Finding ways to recover from job search depression can help you stay motivated and energized. In short, you should spend time creating a solid network with your connections and adjusting search filters on different job search platforms.

Navigating Job Search Depression: Unseen Challenges and Sustainable Strategies

While job search depression can be overwhelming, it isn’t insurmountable. Maintaining a structured daily routine, staying physically active, and practicing mindfulness can help manage symptoms. Building resilience—through activities like volunteering, learning new skills, or joining support groups—can also provide a sense of accomplishment and community. Across the globe, many individuals experience job search depression, often silently.

how the job search can cause depression

Trying to change what isn’t within your control will only drain your energy and leave you more anxious. Look toward the future and get excited about those other jobs you had your eye on. Worrying about providing for your loved ones can be a serious stressor. School fees, mortgages, and car loans still need to be paid regardless of the state of your employment. A survey by the Pew Research Center found that about half of US adults who are looking for a job are pessimistic about their prospects for future employment. Management guru Peter Drucker once said “what gets measured gets managed.” Keeping track of your worries will help you keep them under control.

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So, when the feelings of stress or depression start to loom overhead, getting in some physical activity can help nip them from the start. Losing weight can help boost self-confidence and can increase your overall feelings of well-being. My Fitness Pal is the fastest and easiest to use a calorie-counting app, to help keep you on track for your goals.

how the job search can cause depression

Others may have little time to consume meals or hydrate throughout the day, which Magavi suggested could worsen fatigue and inattentiveness. This depression will affect your level of functioning in your job as well as at home, Parmar said. Work depression and burnout can be unfortunate consequences of our always-on, fast-paced modern way of working. Taking a break to give yourself a meal, bath, walk, or treat is one of the best ways to manage depression. If you have an understanding supervisor, you might be able to arrange a leave by simply explaining your situation and asking for time off. Zoom meetings and 24-hour email inboxes can claim the parts of our lives we used to reserve for family and outside interests.

Remember that even if you’re doing the right things, finding a job can be a struggle. Depending on what your experience level is and what your career and salary needs are, finding the right position can take time. The headlines about the job market usually reflect macro conditions that might depression and job search not be relevant to your search. For many people, jobs are tied to their feelings of self-worth. If you suffer from low self-worth, it can be difficult to get out of the rut of job search hopelessness. Setting healthy boundaries can be an effective way to deal with depression at work.